September 2, 2010

WFDY on racist laws in France

Against racism and xenophobia: the anti-imperialist struggle is the only way for victory!

WFDY has come to know with shock and indignation that the French President (Nicolas Sarkozy) has proposed severalxenophobic and racist measures, as part of the strategy that will lead the country to a “national war”.The several measures announced, such as the loss of French nationality for the French “with foreign origins” if they haveever attacked a policeman and destruction of half of the Roma illegal camps within 3 months, are terrifying and establisha clear link with the darker period of this country the Collaborator and fascist government of 1939-1945.

Romas who are not in a regular situation are hunted, being them many of them have expelled to Romania by charters or“invited to leave” in exchange of a compensation. The presidential will of quick expulsions is fulfilling.

WFDY draws attention to the fact that, alongside with these measures, Sarkozy’s administration is taking ahead counter-reforms that clearly aim to destroy the rights of workers and youth, in line with the general measures followed by theEuropean Union members’ Governments, and that are being rejected massive demonstrations of the French people.

As proof of our anti-imperialist thesis, that racism is nothing but a tool of the system to divide the workers to better ruleand exploit them, these measures are being justified by the French Government as an initiative to eradicate the sourceof the problems of the French people: the foreigners.

These racist measures don’t acknowledge the vital contribution of the immigrants to the development of France anddon’t recognize that the origin of the problems with the immigrants have a social origin, thereby being the state’sresponsibility to solve them by eradicating poverty, exploitation and human trafficking.

WFDY is sure that the cause for the problems of the peoples, in France as everywhere else in the world, is the imperialistdomination of the world and that the only measures that can ever answer to the needs and problems of mankind arethose taken in a framework of the overthrown of imperialism, as part of an economic, social and political system in favorof the youth and peoples.

We call upon all our member and friend organizations to support MJCF and the whole progressive movement of Francein the struggle against the attacks of the French youth and people, calling your attention to the importantdemonstration of September 04, as well as to continue the struggle against imperialism in their own countries.No human being is illegal!

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