September 14, 2010

Fidel calls on young people to fight to prevent a nuclear war

COMANDANTE en Jefe Fidel Castro confirmed today that it is possible to win the great battle to save the world from a nuclear war that would destroy it completely and also to defend the right of all human beings to live.

Almost 65 years after his entry into higher education, the Cuban leader returned to the University of Havana where, as he has already said on previous occasions and reaffirmed once again this morning, he became a revolutionary and discovered his true destiny. He then went on to call on governments and peoples to safeguard peace, life and the future.

The time available to humanity to wage this battle is incredibly limited, warned the first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba, referring to the real and imminent danger of another war in the Middle East, the consequences of which are unforeseeable for the world and could be catastrophic.

Dressed in olive green, standing at the foot of the Alma Mater statue and before an enthusiastic crowd that filled the historic staircase and surrounding areas, Fidel read out his message to Cuba’s university students, which is also a call to fight against those who have imposed on the world a system that is currently threatening the very survival of the planet and the human race.

"We are here to convince, persuade and prevent a war that would bring an end to hope, in order to demonstrate that love for life is the commitment of all of us," affirmed Maydel Gómez Lago, president of the Cuban Federation of University Students (FEU).

"Right up until the end, we will be demanding the right to life. We do not want to die in this absurd way, we want to fulfill our dreams," the young woman emphasized. Calling on U.S. President Barack Obama, she insisted that he use the power that he has to prevent war from becoming a tragedy for all of us.

She called on university students all over the world to join this fight and stated: "We have the right to fight for our future, we have a duty to build it. We still have time. We will fight for peace, we could not forgive ourselves for doing anything less."

Yoerky Sánchez Cuéllar, editor of the Alma Mater magazine – the voice of Cuban university students – also spoke, but in verse, demanding that the current occupant of the White House does not pull the trigger and also insisting on the destruction of all nuclear weapons.

"You must listen to Fidel/who is not being alarmist/or a catastrophist/ but who sees that this world/could be gone in a second/if peace does not conquer," reflected – in rhyming verse – the young man who is also a National Assembly of People’s Power deputy.

"Here we are, Comandante/here are your youth/who feel grateful/to see you the picture of health/to hear you every moment/to read your Reflections/to understand the reasons/why you are concerned/and to have accompanied you in these new missions," he concluded.

Translated by Granma International

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