The Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa'adat received and is distributing the important alert below from the Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign. The Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa'adat fully supports this call to free Mohammad Othman and all of the nearly 11,000 Palestinian prisoners held within the occupation jails. We encourage our supporters to take action in response to this call, and to support justice and freedom for Mohammad Othman and all Palestinian political prisoners!
The Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa'adat
Stopthewall.org - Action Alert : September 25, 2009
A prisoner of conscience, arrested solely for his human rights work
Blog: http://freemohammadothman.wordpress.com/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=36429272741&ref=ts
Online Petition: http://www.petitiononline.com/stopwall/petition.html
On September 22, Mohammad Othman was arrested by soldiers on the Allenby Bridge Crossing, the border from Jordan to Palestine. He is now being held in Huwara prison as a prisoner of conscience, arrested solely for his human rights work.
Mohammad, 33 years old, has dedicated the last ten years of his life to the defense of Palestinian human rights. He has campaigned with the Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign against the dispossession of Palestinian farmers and against the involvement of Israeli and international business in the violations of Palestinian human rights.
His village, Jayyous, has been devastated by the Apartheid Wall and Zufim – a settlement, built by Lev Leviev’s companies. These companies are facing a successful boycott campaign because of their violations of Palestinian rights.
Mohammad was returning from one of his trip to Norway, during which he met with senior officials, including Norwegian Finance Minister Kristen Halvorsen. Norway’s national Pension Fund recently announced that it had divested from Elbit, the Israeli company which provides both Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and other military technology for Occupation forces, as well as security systems for the Wall and settlements.
This is not the first time Palestinian human rights defenders have been arrested after trips abroad. Recently, Muhammad Srour, an eye witness at the UN Fact Finding Mission on Gaza, was arrested on his way back from Geneva. This arrest was a clear act of reprisal against Srour for speaking out about Israel’s violations of international law. Arresting Palestinians as they return from travel is yet another Israeli tactic to try to silence Palestinian human rights defenders. It complements the overall policy of isolation of the Palestinian people behind checkpoints, walls and razor wire.
We call on international solidarity and human rights organizations to act immediately to bring attention to this case and advocate for the release of Mohammad Othman by:
Recommended Actions:
* Encourage others to join this campaign through petitions, demonstrations and / or letter writing / phone calling. Please provide them with contact information and details;
* Urge your representatives at consular offices in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem/Ramallah to demand the immediate release of Mohammad Othman. (For your consular contacts, see: http://www.embassiesabroad.com/embassies-in/Israel#11725 );
* Let the Israeli Embassy in your country know that you are campaigning for Mohammad’s release and for a just and lasting peace based on international law.
* Sign the online petition for Mohammad on: http://www.petitiononline.com/stopwall/petition.html
* Bring the case of Mohammad to the attention of local and national media outlets;
* Follow the blog and facebook to free Mohammad Othman to see the latest updates and action alerts.
* Blog: http://freemohammadothman.wordpress.com/
* Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=36429272741&ref=ts
Mohammad Othman represents only one of the 11,000 Palestinians being held in Israeli prisons. More than 800 are being held in “administrative detention”, meaning that they are imprisoned (indefinitely) without charge. International solidarity and governments have to hold Israel accountable and achieve an end to the large scale repression and mass imprisonment of Palestinians as part of their efforts to bring about an end to the occupation and the restoration of Palestinian rights.
Sign the Petition
To sign the petition for the immediate and unconditional release of Mohammad, click here: http://www.petitiononline.com/stopwall/petition.html
Write to your embassy or consulate
If you want to write to your diplomatic office, you can use the following sample letter:
Dear x,
I am writing to you to express my deepest concern about the detainment of Mohammad Othman on, September 22, at the border between Jordan and the West Bank. He was returning home after a visit in Norway.
I fear that the detainment of Mohammad Othman is a result of his peaceful criticism of violations of international law by Israeli authorities. The charges against him have not been made clear, but there is reason to believe that he is a prisoner of conscience, arrested solely for his human rights work through legal organizations.
I ask you to take all appropriate measures, including official inquiries and protests, to ensure Mohammad’s immediate and unconditional release. Furthermore, whilst being held, he should be protected from any form of torture or ill-treatment, and the conditions of his detention should fulfill the requirements of international law.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this urgent matter.
Write to the Israeli embassy or consulate
Let the Israeli Embassy in your country know that you are campaigning for Mohammad’s release and for a just and lasting peace based on international law. (Click here to find contact information for the Israeli Embassy in your country)
Get creative !
Norway protests against the release of Mohammad Othman
Approximately 250 people participated in a demonstration in Oslo today calling for the immediate and unconditional release of prisoner of conscience Mohammad Othman. The demonstration was held in front of the Israeli embassy, but demonstrators were prevented from reaching the embassy by police. Speeches were given by MP Ă…got Valle (Socialist Left Party) and MP Truls Wickholm (Labour).
Demonstrators and speakers accused Israel of repressing freedom of speech and human rights, and called for the continuation of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel. On Monday activists from the Socialist Youth of Oslo will launch a week of direct action in response to the detention of Mohammad. The first day will include targeting local vegetable and import stores to convince them to remove Israeli goods from their shops.
See pictures at the facebook group: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=36429272741&ref=ts
Contact freemohammad@stopthewall.org with your actions and for further information!
www.StopTheWall.org - Visit the Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign web site.
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