June 26, 2010

G8-G20 June 24—Report back

-Daily Spoke (Issue #8):

June 25—Report Back

-Network press release: Justice For Our Communities Press Release
-Network press release: Statement on Police Impunity

June 26 – 2nd Day of Action: Get Off The Fence

-10:30am, Tent City and Press Conference (Allan Gardens at Sherbourne and
-1pm, People First, We Deserve Better (Queen’s Park)
-1pm, Get Off the Fence (Queen’s Park)
-8pm, General Assembly (Convergence Space, 1266 Queen St. West)
-Saturday Night Fever, Radical Street Party (Time/Location TBA)

Full details: http://g20.torontomobilize.org/schedule

ALSO: Follow us on twitter to get important information and updates as it
is happening! Follow us @g20mobilize and use hashtags #g20report

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