June 26, 2010

Demonstrate in Toronto Against the G8-G20!

A Message from Judy Rebick:

Even if you have never come out to a protest or it's been years since you have, today is the day. Our city has been shut down by a massive show of militarized police power. Young protesters have been vilified for standing up for justice. It's time for each of us to show up and take back our city from the violence and domination represented by the G20 and symbolized by the thousands of police and the terrible fence they have built.

Please join your neighbours at Queen's Park at 1 pm for the People First march
Let's show those G20 leaders and Stephen Harper that we are ready to defend our democratic rights.

Hope I will see you there

Join us today at the
Rally and March
Queen’s Park @ 1PM

Various contingents at today's rally.

To see the map where the groups attending the G8 / G20 Rally and March are meeting, consult the diagram in the link below:


Join the Peace Rally First
End the Siege
End the Torture
End the War!

Meet at 12:30 PM, US Consulate(360 University Ave.)


A Message from No One Is Illegal

No One Is Illegal Toronto wrote:

From: No One Is Illegal Toronto
Subject: [NoOneIsIllegal-Tor] Join Tent City Tonight; March Again Tomorrow
To: nooneisillegal@lists.riseup.net
Received: Saturday, June 26, 2010, 12:35 AM


For the past five days, thousands of people have converged in Toronto to expose and challenge the deadly policies of the G8 and the G20. No One Is Illegal, a grassroots anti-colonial migrant justice group across Kanada with members primarily of racialized/immigrant backgrounds, has been there! We have fought to create a world free of the many fences and borders that divide us, and to create communities that can live with justice and dignity.

On June 22nd, we joined our allies in the gender justice and queer liberation movements in their fierce and creative actions grounded in the daily lived experiences of women, queer, and trans folks to overcome marginalization. On June 23rd, we gathered with environmental justice activists who exposed institutions and corporations responsible for the environmental and social impacts of Canada's
extractive industries at home and abroad. On June 24th, we stood alongside Indigenous defenders who struggle across Turtle Island against centuries of colonial and genocidal policies that have caused impoverishment, forced assimilation of distinct cultures, and theft of land and resources.

And on June 25th, we marched alongside community groups who organize
daily against the indignities and dehumanization of poverty, discrimination, lack of inclusive services, wage-slave working conditions, repressive immigration policies, gentrification, environmental degradation, and police brutality. Joining struggles
against homelessness and displacement, we marched across the city of Toronto and concluded by establishing a Tent City at Allen Gardens Park (Carleton & Sherbourne) that will be running for the entire night into Saturday morning. Please drop in at any time of the night to show solidarity and support for this historic act of reclamation.

After wrapping up Tent City on June 26th, our ‘No Borders, No Fences’ contingent will rally at Queen’s Park at 1pm alongside anti war activists demanding an end to Canadian complicity in imperialist occupations from Afghanistan to Haiti. We will be marching with working people to oppose patriarchy, racism privatization, cuts to
services, and exploitation of (im)migrant workers; to demand living wages, workers control, and status for all; and to make clear that the violence of capitalism cannot be reformed, but only abolished. We will also rise alongside anti-capitalists and radical labour activists who are committed to confronting the police state and the billion dollar security apparatus that the G20 finance ministers and corporations hide behind. Just as resistance against the border walls from Palestine to Mexico cannot be contained, our love and rage for liberation cannot be contained. We call on all our friends, allies and supporters to march with us on Saturday to oppose the G20 and to let them know that we are many, they are few.

See you on the streets!

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