May 31, 2010

Israel attacks brigade of solidarity to Palestine!

In a criminal act of terror, Israel once again attacks civilian and isolated people who came from around the world to supply the Palestinian people in Gaza with aid including food, medicaments and building materials.The attack led to the death of at least 19 solidarity activists and the injury of more than 26. This is a crime that WFDY strongly condemns and rejects against young people who were showing their solidarity with the suffering of Palestinian people.

WFDY, as an organization with itself organized solidarity brigades to Palestine before, shows its full support for the participants of the brigade and expresses its sorrow for their martyrdom.

We think that this criminal incident is one more proof about the nature of the Israeli state as a terrorist entity, and calls upon the United Nation Security Council to stand up and play its role in forcing Israel to pay for its criminal actions.

We also call all the youth of the world to realize the facts about the role and the nature of Israel, and to demand from their governments to take straight and immediate actions against Israel.

WFDY member organizations are asked to escalate their struggle and organize solidarity events with the Palestinian people and to express their protests in front of Israeli embassies and consulates around the world. It is also important to escalate the demands from national governments to take a clear and definitive position regarding the Israeli policies.

At this moment, we emphasize again the need for more struggles against Israel and against imperialism in all of its bodies which continuously cause pain and sorrow for millions of people around the world. WFDY has long struggled for the rights of Palestinian people and will continue this struggle throughout its activities and actions including organizing more solidarity brigades and also putting the Palestinian cause as a main theme in the World Festival of Youth and Students as we always did.

Long live international struggle!
Long Live Palestine!

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