May 31, 2010

Emergency Protest to Condemn Israeli Attack on Gaza Aid Flotilla

Monday, May 31, 12 Noon at 300 W. Georgia (at Hamilton St)

Israeli forces have attacked a flotilla of humanitarian aid-carrying ships aiming to break the country's siege on Gaza.
Reports are still coming in, but according to the latest news 16 human rights activists were killed and many more injured when Israeli commandos stormed the Freedom Flotilla in international waters early on Monday.

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is in Ottawa today, after speaking in Toronto Sunday. As John Ibbitson writes in today's Globe and Mail, "the official portion of Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to Ottawa on Monday reflects Canada’s status as Israel’s best friend".

While Harper and Netanyahu meet in Ottawa, activists across Canada and around the world are responding with emergency actions protesting against this outrage.

Aljazeera report:

More info:

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