This Monday there is a large rally in Sudbury taking place to support the 3 000 Vale Inco workers who have been on strike for the past 8 months. This is a huge strike and it has great political significance that reaches beyond the economic demands of the workers.
For more info check out the ry blog: http://rebelyouth-magazine.blogspot.com/2010/03/build-solidarity-with-striking-sudbury.html
CUPE, the Steelworkers and the OFL are organizing buses across the province to be in Sudbury on Monday. We are encouraging all progressive youth to mobilize and contact local labour councils, CUPE and Steelworker locals to see if there are buses leaving from your area on Monday morning.
“Bridging the Gap”
A Solidarity Rally for Vale Inco Strikers
Monday, March 22 @ 4:30 p.m.
USW Union Hall,
66 Brady St. | SUDBURY
Over 3,000 steelworkers in Sudbury have been holding the line for 8 months in the Vale Inco strike. They are in a battle against one of the most profitable corporations in the world who want to take away workers’ pensions and seniority rights.
This strike is having a devastating impact on these workers, their families and the community. Something has to give and it’s not the workers.
The time for solidarity is now!
CUPE National and CUPE Ontario are joining with the CLC and the OFL in the Bridging the Gap Solidarity Rally planned for Monday, March 22nd at 4:30 pm in Sudbury. We are organizing buses to get our members and staff there. Can we count on you.
For information on location and departure time for buses leaving for Sudbury, please call Meaghan Dixon at CUPE Ontario at, e-mail meaghanraedixon@yahoo.ca or call: 416-299-9739 or 416-902-4916.
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