August 16, 2008

Pipeline politics have always been the real motive for the war in Afghanistan

Canadian Peace Alliance

Toronto, June 19, 2008: The Canadian Peace Alliance, Canada's largest
umbrella peace group, applauds the recent report from the Canadian
Centre for Policy Alternatives which highlights the politics of
pipeline construction in Afghanistan. For years the peace movement has
known that the real motives for the invasion of Afghanistan are
geopolitical and are about western control of the energy resources of
the region.

"The need to build the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI)
pipeline has always been the real motive for US and Western foreign
policy towards Afghanistan." Said Sid Lacombe Coordinator of the
Canadian Peace Alliance. "From the days of the Carter administration
up to now the need to build a pipeline that can bring Caspian sea oil
and gas to Indian and Pakistani ports has been paramount."

The proposed Trans-Afghan Pipeline has gone through many
manifestations over the decades. Former Canadian Prime Minister Jean
Chretien has been instrumental in signing deals between Canadian Oil
and Gas corporations for pipeline construction projects in the area.
In September 2004, Jean Chretien went to Turkmenistan to negotiate a
deal between Edmonton based Buried Hill Energy and the government of
Turkmenistan to develop oil and gas resources the Caspian area.
Chretien also met with the president of Turkmenistan to discuss
involvement of Canadian corporations in the Trans-Afghan pipeline.

With more than 80 Canadian soldiers and thousands of Afghan civilians
dead in a war that is both wrong and a failure. The CPA calls on the
government of Canada to respect the wishes of the majority of
Canadians and bring the troops home now.


For more information please contact: Sid Lacombe, Coordinator of the
Canadian Peace Alliance - 416-588-5555 (office) 416-333-7567 (cell)

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