November 29, 2018

Day of action against Doug Ford’s “Free Speech” directive: find out what is happening today

Today is the Ontario Day of Action for democracy on campus. This event is aimed at denouncing Doug Ford’s so-called ‘free speech’ directive, a directive that has nothing to do with free speech, but that is aimed at targeting progressive voices on campus, as explained in previous articles published on this blog.

For this occasion, actions are being held throughout the province, ranging from rallies, banner drops and information tables; but there should also be some activity online through the hashtag #SilencedbyFord dedicated to this Day of Action.
The past few weeks have seen a series of attacks against progressive people in Ontario, setting the tone about Doug Ford’s priorities. He is not ‘for the people’, but ‘for the rich’. Building resistance against him and his reactionary agenda is a crucial task that the young people have to mobilise for.

We cannot let him and big corporations silence our voices anymore.

With the passing of Bill 47, workers are being silenced by Ford. With the massive cutbacks in french language services, including the abandon of a long-time promised French-speaking university in Ontario, Franco-Ontariens are being silenced by Ford. With the return to an outdated Sex Ed Curriculum, LGBTQ+ people are being silenced by Ford. With the refusal to consult with Indigenous people for an updated history curriculum, Indigenous people and nations are being silenced by Ford. With this ‘free speech directive’, students are also being silenced by Ford.

Although we cannot predict who will be the next group silenced by Ford, we know that his government is ready to attack anyone who could be seen as a threat to the advancement of his reactionary agenda. Therefore young people in Ontario are mobilising tomorrow in order to show their commitment to build and strengthen resistance to Doug Ford.

You can join any of the following actions and come show your support to the cause of democracy on campus. Also feel free to tweet your support and sign the petition denouncing the ‘free-speech’ policy by clicking here.


General event for all of Ontario (follow this one if you want to have an update of all events at a glance):

Banner Drop at 12:50 PM, CAW Student Centre

Banner drop at noon, CSA building

Rally at 2:00 PM Concrete Beach

Tabling and leafleting at UofT, Sid Smith Hall starting at noon

Tabling and leafleting at Carleton University, University Centre (3rd Floor) starting at 10:00 AM

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