September 8, 2015

Young Communist candidates demanding fundamental change

Special to RY

7 members of the Young Communist League of Canada are currently running in the federal election. Here RY looks at these candidates for the Communist Party of Canada who are demanding fundamental change.

Adrien Welsh – Outremont, Québec

A student activist for free education, Adrien Welsh grew up in the riding of Outremont . He studied linguistics in Montreal and Paris and as chair of the YCL-LJC’s International Commission, has taken part in several anti-imperialist conferences and brigades in Europe, Latin America and the Middle-East. Adrien has denounced NATO policies in favor of peace and better future for the youth.

For more on Adrien's campaign click here, aussi, pour des informations en français

Marianne Breton Fontaine – Hochelaga, Québec

Marianne Breton Fontaine grew up in the riding. She is a student movement militant and studies Law. She is campaigning for the creation of jobs, full equality for women and opposes all forms of racism and discrimination. "Let's end wage disparity, legislating for full pay equity and employment." she said. Marianne has been a leader of the YCL-LJC and the LJC-Quebec for several years.

For more on Marianne's campaign click here, aussi, pour des informations en français

Drew Garvie – University-Rosedale, Ontario

“The Harper agenda of war, environmental crisis and austerity is being felt especially sharply by students. Eliminate tuition fees, raise federal minimum wage to a living wage of $20/hr, and fight for full employment,” Drew says. A writer and activist, he is the leader of the Young Communist League which fights for a future for youth, and for socialism.

For more on Drew's campaign click here
Follow Drew on twitter: @garviedrew
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Mariam Ahmad – Toronto Centre, Ontario

An author, artist, and the organizer of Toronto’s Young Communist League, Mariam became politically active in youth organizations struggling for LGBTI* equality rights. “Victories against racism, sexism, transphobia, and homophobia mean progress for all. Young people are a force for the radical change Canada needs,” Mariam says.

For more on Mariam's campaign click here
Follow Drew on twitter: @mariam_ahmad_TO
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Tristan Dineen – Guelph, Ontario

Tristan Dineen is a student activist and community-radio host, where he is a voice for peace and disarmament and for democratic rights. “We need to immediately repeal Bill C-51, abolish CSIS, ban police racial profiling and protect and expand the right to dissent” Tristan says. Tristan is a member of the Guelph Young Communist League.

For more on Tristan's campaign click here
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Tyson Strandlund – Esquimalt–Saanich-Sooke, BC

Tyson Strandlund grew up in the riding and is Métis, supporting Indigenous sovereignty. Currently studying history at the University of Victoria, he is the organizer of the local Young Communist League and active in the student movement. Tyson is calling for an end to shale gas fracking, phasing out the Tar Sands and stopping Northern Gateway and other pipeline development. “Put the energy industry under public control! System change, not climate change!”, says Tyson.

For more on Tyson's campaign click here
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Brent Jantzen - Burnaby North-Seymour, BC

Brent Jantzen is a longshoreman and secretary of the Young Communist League in Vancouver. Chair of the YCL-LJC's Labour commission, he has been active fighting for a higher minimum wage and is outspoken for solidarity with Palestine. “It is time for jobs -- not bombs,” he says. “People and nature before profits!”

For more on Brent's campaign click here
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