March 14, 2014

See socialist Cuba!

To all Members and friends, 
Regarding the 2014 Che Guevara Work Brigade of the Canadian Network on Cuba

Dear Comrades,

As you are no doubt already aware, the Canadian Network on Cuba will be holding their 22nd annual Che Guevera Work Brigade tour of Cuba from April 28th, returning May 17th. This will be a significant 'once-in-a-lifetime' trip for Cuban solidarity among youth and students across Canada, and it is important for the Young Communist League of Canada that the Brigade be a tremendous success.

 This year's Brigade is being advertised by brochure and via the internet. You can contact the organizers and find materials about the brigade online here:

We urge all friends of YCL-LJC and our members at every level to do everything possible to assist the Brigade in this undertaking, by helping to publicize and promote the Brigade among all members and close friends, especially younger contacts, and by helping out any potential participants in preparing for the Convention. A good start is adding the Che Brigade to your meeting agendas.

Volunteer work is a school for building socialist consciousness! - Che

Comradely yours,

Central Executive Committee,


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