February 16, 2014

World Federation of Democratic Youth rejects violence of fascist in Venezuela

February 16th saw a mass rally for peace in Caracas
Statement of the World Federation of Democratic Youth in solidarity with Venezuela.  
February 14, 2014

In recent hours, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has come under attack from the fascist right-wing, as a the plan of imperialism against the revolutionary process; supported by the most reactionary sectors -inside and outside- of Venezuela, with a format similar to the coup d’état driven in 2002 against the President Hugo Chavez.

This plan has the objective not only to end the Bolivarian process, but undermining the process of regional integration in Latin America. Today, a reverse in the process in Venezuela would deal a blow to the rest of the democratic and progressive process on the continent.

Long live World Peace! We condemn and repudiate the deaths that have resulted from the concretion of these violent acts, generating disorder, attacks on public institutions and generally promoting a violent destabilization agenda in the country. We support the call for peace, defence of the revolutionary process and unity of different youth organizations in Venezuela.
Attending to the call for international solidarity we are asking to all members and partners of the World Federation of Democratic Youth to express solidarity with youth, people, workers and the Venezuelan Government continuation of the legacy of Commander Chavez.
Long live the unity of the People!
Down with imperialism!

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