Rebel Youth is publishing notice of this important discussion now beginning in the Young Communist League of Canada. The main political resolution will be available shortly.
In accordance with the Constitution of the Young Communist League of Canada – Ligue de la jeunesse communiste du Canada (YCL-LJC), the Central Committee hereby issues this call to the 26th Central Convention of the YCL-LJC to be held Friday May 23, Saturday May 24, and Sunday May 25 in Toronto, Ontario. The convention will convene at 10:00 am on Friday May 23rd and adopted this call as an initial order of business.
Convention Committee
In adopting this call to the Central Convention the outgoing Central Committee of the YCL-LJC will strike a Convention Committee to assume all political, organizational and administrative/logistical tasks necessary to convene the convention. The organizing committee will ensure working groups on nominations, credentials, and resolutions are formed and begin work before the convention. The Central Committee will also strike a committee to review the Constitution, which will bring proposals to the Central Convention.
Due to important internal developments and the political work of the League, especially rebuilding work in some parts of the country and the scheduling of the 18th World Festival of Youth and Students, the Central Committee deeply regrets it has had to convene the 26th Central Convention eight months past the Constitutional deadline of three years.
Delegate ratio
Election of delegates to the Central Convention shall be in accordance with the following guidelines issued by the Central Committee as to basis of representation: a 2 to 1 ratio for la Ligue de la Jeunesse communiste du Québec (LJC-Q); a 3 to 1 for the rest of the YCL-LJC.
Clubs shall have the option to elect 1 Alternate for every 2 delegates elected.
Election will take place at the club level and must be done by secret ballot. The Convention Committee will conduct a comprehensive survey reviewing club life, political activity and membership as well as membership at large, to be due Tuesday, March 24, 2014. Clubs and the LJC-Q will be advised by the Convention Committee of the total number of Delegates and Alternates to be elected in each club and in Quebec not later than Tuesday, April 1, 2014.
In accordance with Aricle 13, section 4, all members in good standing of the outgoing Central Committee shall be voting delegates to the Central Convention.
Work of the 26th Convention
As according to Article 13, section 3, of the LJC-YCL constitution, “The Central Convention shall decide on the policies of the organization, elect the incoming Central Committee and is empowered to amend the constitution.” Therefore the enclosed convention discussion documents are being proposed by the outgoing Central Committee of the YCL-LJC for full discussion and revision.
Our last convention in 2010 elaborated our policy on important questions, debated updates to the constitution, set a plan of work, and renewed leadership with an emphasis on continuity. The major work of the 26th Convention will be to develop a united, militant and activist strategy to the youth fightback, consider constitutional proposals, and again renew of our leadership in line with the development of new cadre.
All clubs, committees and the LJC-Q are encouraged to nominate any member of the League in good standing to stand for election to the Central Committee.
In accordance with Article 12 of the YCL-LJC constitution, in electing the incoming Central Committee the Convention should give due regard to leadership qualities; links with the working class and social movements; the multi-national character of Canada; area representation; and taking into account the systematic advancement of women, persons with disabilities, aboriginal people and people of colour, and lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans persons.
To be eligible for election to the Central Committee comrades must be nominated either by a club, committee, or individual member of the YCL in good standing, and submit a short biography of 150 words or less.
With the understanding that the members do not represent their regions as in a federation but rather are expected to function as a united collective, the outcoming Central Committee is proposing that the size of the incoming Central Committee be set at eleven full members and six alternates on the following basis:
British Columbia: 1 member, 1 alternate
Ontario: 6 members, 3 alternates
LJC-Q: 3 members, 1 alternate
Other regions: 1 member
Those receiving the most votes shall be declared elected provided that they obtain at least 50 percent plus one of the ballots cast. In the case there is not a sufficient number elected in this way, there shall be a run off vote until such time as the proper number has been elected with 50 percent plus one of the ballots cast.
Alternates will have voice but not vote at Central Committee meetings until elevated, on a regional basis, to replace a full member for a meeting or, if necessary, on a permanent basis.
The Central Committee shall elect from its ranks a General Secretary, Organizer and Treasurer. The Central Committee shall elect from its ranks a Central Executive in a number decided by the committee, to direct the work of the YCL between Central Committee meetings.
The Central Committee shall meet at least once a year between conventions while the Central Executive shall meet at least once every three months.
Delegate and Alternate Fees
Convention Fees are $30.00 for Delegates and $15.00 for Alternates, and shall be paid by the club which elected them, and by the LJC-Q in Quebec.
Very important logistical concerns
The Central Committee empowers the Convention Committee to pay transportation costs of full delegates. Alternates must be funded by the clubs themselves. Outgoing members of the Central Committee will have transportation costs covered by the Convention Committee only after funds have been guaranteed for club delegates. Airline tickets will be purchased centrally by the Convention Committee in consultation with each delegate. Airline flights must be booked as soon as possible after delegates are elected to keep costs down. Delegates from Ontario and Quebec are asked to carpool, with extra seats going to alternates as a priority.
The Convention Committee will ensure that, to the best of their ability, the convention documents and discussion are both translated from French to English and English to French, and sequential interpretation is provided throughout the convention. Because sequential interpretation is time intensive, speakers, guests and delegates will be strongly encouraged to have written copies of interventions to the Convention, so that translators can interpret directly from the written copy.
Requests for billets and childcare should be submitted to the Convention Committee by Monday, May 12th or earlier, on the forms attached. Requests for assistance with accessibility or special needs of any kind should also be submitted to the Convention Committee by Monday May 12th or earlier.
The Convention facilities are wheelchair accessible. The Convention is open and accessible to all members, and the Central Committee invites all of our members and friends to attend the 26th Convention.
Discussion Bulletin
The documents enclosed are the first Discussion Bulletin. There will be at least two more issues of the Discussion Bulletin, and may be more if a sufficient number of contributions are received. The Discussion Bulletin will publish written contributions, either discussion pieces or specific amendments and/or resolutions, submitted by members, clubs, and committees on the Draft Political Resolution and any other matters put properly before the Convention.
The Discussion Bulletin will be distributed to all members of the League, through the clubs, or in the case of members at large, through the appropriate committees. Club organizers are asked to convene special meetings of each club during the pre-convention period to ensure energetic theoretical and political discussion of the Political Resolution and other materials before the Convention. In select cases good friends of the YCL-LJC may also be invited to make written interventions (only members of the League who are elected delegates will have voice and vote and the ability to propose amendments at the Convention, although clubs and members of the League can submit amendments and resolutions through the Discussion Bulletins to be debated and voted on at Convention).
Clubs, committees, and individual members, should develop their thinking on all critical questions facing our class, generation, and League during this convention process, and express their views in the Discussion Bulletin so that all members and clubs can respond and comment.
The outgoing Central Committee will release a review of its achievements and shortcomings in regards to the 25th Central Convention action plan, as well as meeting attendance and central assignments.
Contributions in French or English should be sent by email to: Drew Garvie c/o and Marianne Breton Fontaine c/o
February 17, 2014
Call to the 26th Central Convention of the Young Communist League of Canada
26th YCL Central Convention,

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