December 31, 2013

Cuba: 55 Years of Revolution! 55 Years of Independence, Self-Determination & Dignity!

Statement by the Canadian Network on Cuba

Fidel addresses Havana on January 8th, 1959
On the occasion of the fifty-fifth anniversary of the Triumph of the Cuban Revolution, the Canadian Network On Cuba extends to the people of Cuba and its revolutionary leadership warm and heartfelt greetings and congratulations.  

On January 1, 1959, the people of Cuba led by Fidel Castro firmly took control of their destiny. The years since then are filled with rich and inspiring examples of modern nation-building, demonstrating what can be achieved when a country wins and defends its independence and exercises its right to self-determination. Despite all efforts of the United States superpower to bring Cuba to her knees, the resilience and determination of the Cuban people to defend the independence and dignity of their homeland, which is the basis of their own freedom and dignity, has prevailed time and time again. Today, the Cuban people continue to renew their Revolution; they continue to be an inspiration to humanity, a living example that it is possible to build societies based on social relations of genuine solidarity and social love.

These 55-years of struggle for a better world assume ever-greater significance and value as the world faces the looming danger of world conflagration and a deepening economic and social crisis. Fidel Castro pointed out, "Great crises have always spawned great solutions." On the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the triumph of the Cuban revolution, we express our confidence that the Cuban people will prevail once again, despite the enormous difficulties they face. We call on Canadians from all walks of life to lend a hand so that the blockade of Cuba, denounced for the twenty-second consecutive time at the United Nations by 188 out of 193 member nations, is ended and the Cuban anti-terrorist fighters imprisoned in U.S. jails are freed. 

Long Live the Cuban Revolution!

 The Young Communist League, which operates Rebel Youth blog and magazine, is a proud organizational member of the Canadian Network on Cuba.  For more info on the network and news on Cuba please visit:

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