November 5, 2013

Tarek and John’s message on indefinite migrant detention in Canada

It was very moving and upsetting to meet some of the Lindsay detainees today. So much of what they described to us struck a chord, given what we just went through in Cairo. For detainees and their families, to suffer indefinite detention is to be consigned to a terrible limbo, not knowing what the future holds, not knowing how long the ordeal with last. We hope Canadians will speak out, as they did for Tarek and I, and demand justice and fair treatment for the Lindsay 191 –John Greyson

The detainee I was able to speak with has lung cancer. It’s currently being treated, but for a person with lung cancer to be in jail with no charges, with no possible end-date is absolutely unacceptable.” - “We want a 90-day limit, which is the international standard. Ninety days is double the length of time that our families had to suffer with our detention. Double the length of time the Canadian people knew that we were behind bars – Tarek Loubani

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Across Canada migrants are jailed indefinitely without hope of charges or trial because Canada cannot deport them but will not release them. This means that many are locked up behind bars and separated from their families for years on end without an end in sight. Canada is a rogue nation going against international legal norms which restrict immigration detention to 90 days. Being jailed simply for the crime of being born somewhere else is unacceptable; indefinite detention is utterly unjustifiable.

On Monday, November 2nd, Tarek and John visited some of the 191 detainees in Ontario that have been striking for 48 days against their indefinite detention. Tarek and John are speaking out against this injustice, please do the same.

More information:

:: Some mainstream articles about Tarek and John’s support (read/share/comment) ::

- Tarek Loubani and John Greyson go to bat for immigrants jailed endlessly in Canada:

- Loubani, Greyson demand release of immigrant detainees protesting at Ontario jail:

- Visite de Tarek Loubani et John Greyson visitent les détenus à Lindsay (15h43):

- Former Egyptian detainees speak outside Lindsay jail:

If you are a family member of one of the detainees, or an organization that wants to support these demands, get in touch at migrantstrike[@]

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