June 3, 2013

O'Leary: let Rachel on your shows, talk truth about GMOs!

A young activist has bravely called-out Kevin O'Leary for labelling people who oppose Genetically Modified Organisms, or GMOs "stupid" and saying on the May 27th edition of the Lang-O'Leary Exchange "I have an answer to these people: stop eating. Then we can get rid of them."

In her presentation Rachel Parent, a thirteen year-old student who opposes GMO products and Monsanto, says that Canada and the US are alone among industrialized countries in not labelling these potentially harmful products. "I challenge you Mr O'Leary, to have me on your show next week, and if you promise not to use the word stupid, they I won't use the word fascist."

The remarks won strong applause from her audience.

Full video: the world according to Monsanto
National Farmer's Union organizes protests against GMOs

Rebel Youth has been campaigning with a petition which you can sign here calling to fire O'Leary. Our magazine fully supports Rachel's legitimate appeal to the CBC and O'Leary to address this matter in an non-biased way on public television and have a fair debate about GMO products on the Lang O'Leary Exchange. O'Leary should also apologize for his distasteful remarks and sense of humour. Widespread opposition to GMOs has linked these products with the danger of famine because GMO agriculture is not sustainable.

Rachel is the founder of The Kids Right To Know: GMOs, Just Label It! campaign and GMO-News.com/

We call on all progressive and democratic-minded youth and students and their organizations to denounce Mr. O'Leary and stand with Rachel!

1000+ signatures call to fire Kevin O'Leary

Over the past few months over 1,000 people from across Canada have spoken-out against the  continued right-wing sabotage of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) spearheaded by 'personalities' like Kevin O'Leary, in a petition calling to fire the man many describe as a reactionary demagogue.

The petition, launched by Rebel Youth Magazine, has been the central point in a campaign raising issues about democratic media, anti-labour and pro-corporate bias in the news, and the need to protect and expand the CBC as a public, not-for-profit broadcaster.

If you haven't already, consider signing today.

Rebel Youth will be rolling out other actions for the campaign as it continues this summer, sending a message that solidarity and social progress matter to Canadians, not the "greed-first" agenda of austerity, job-loss and mass youth unemployment which is symbolized by O'Leary. If you are interested in joining pro-labour and pro-people pickets outside CBC office or helping collect signatures at public events this summer, contact the campaign at RebelYouth@ycl-ljc.ca

The campaign takes centre-stage in the latest print issue of RY which features a full-spread comic exposure of the venture capitalists and is anti-social values. You can get a copy of the magazine by writing our address here.

Over the next weeks, new issues like the World Festival of Youth and Students will feature prominently on the RY website but information about the campaign will still be posted.

From the petition site:
"Elect me as Prime Minister for 15 minutes," Mr. O'Leary said on a show. "I will make unions illegal. Anybody who remains a union member will be thrown in jail." He adds that "Unions are sheer evil [...] Unions themselves are born out of evil. They must be destroyed with evil", and "no one could contain unions in hell. They were so evil they came out of hell and they came upon earth."
These remarks, which could have come out of the mouth of a fascist dictator, prompted several complaints. The National Union of Public and Government Employees wrote that "Trade unionists are beaten and murdered in many countries around the world, simply because they believe in workers acting collectively to improve workplace conditions such as pay, hours of work, health and safety, and job security. [...] Mr. O'Leary's wilful promotion of contempt and hatred towards unions reflects a viewpoint that has often ended in violence perpetrated against union members and leaders."
You can read more about our campaign here.

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