March 12, 2013

Raise in minimum wages demanded for Ontario workers

Action Alert: Workers' Action Centre

Minimum wage campaign launched! 

A province-wide campaign to raise the minimum wage was launched Thursday with Melt the Freeze actions taking place in communities across Ontario.

In Toronto, over 200 people braved the cold outside the Ministry of Labour office, where a mountain of ice was set up on the Ministry’s doorsteps. Community members and labour representatives called on the government to raise the minimum wage to $14 – the amount needed to bring workers and their families above the poverty line.

Actions in 15 cities across Ontario!

Meanwhile, community and labour groups also rallied outside Ministry of Labour offices in Ottawa. Despite the snow, people left fired up to continue this fight!

In Peterborough low wage, precarious workers, labour activists and community organizations presented MPP Jeff Leal’s office with a block of ice with $10.25 frozen inside. Delegations also visited MPP offices in Cornwall and London.
Today, community members will deliver blocks of ice to over 30 MPPs in Hamilton, York Region, Kingston, Windsor, Belleville, Welland, Kitchener-Waterloo, Oshawa, Toronto, Sault Ste. Marie and Sudbury!We are coming together to demand a decent minimum wage that  brings our communities out of poverty.  The number of communities signing up to take action shows we can’t wait for a commission or another study – we need an increase now.

Take action!

  1. Check out our photo report from Thursday's actions and media coverage here
  2. Get involved!  Like the Campaign page here to get updates about upcoming actions
  3. Endorse the campaign by sending an email to

The Campaign to Raise the Minimum Wage is coordinated by ACORN, Freedom 90, Mennonite New Life Centre, OCAP, Parkdale Community Legal Services, Put Food in the Budget, Social Planning Toronto, Toronto and York Region Labour Council and Workers’ Action Centre

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