March 5, 2013

In memory of Hugo Chavez: Canadian Network on Cuba

The Canadian Network on Cuba on behalf of all its member organizations expresses its heartfelt condolences to the people of Venezuela on the loss their beloved president and leader Hugo Chávez Frías. Hugo Chávez was a steadfast fighter for self-determination, social justice and independence. His vision and politics went beyond the boundaries of Venezuela to encompass the struggle for dignity not only in Latin America and the Caribbean but for the entire world.  Hugo Chavez may have passed on but the ideals that his life embodied live on.

We express our deepest sympathy to his family, friends, comrades and loved ones. As the peoples of Venezuela and the world absorb this hard blow, this immense loss, we are confident that they will able to meet any challenge on the path to create a country and world as envisioned by Hugo Chávez a nation and planet fit for humanity.

Long Live the Memory of Hugo Chávez

On behalf of the Canadian Network On Cuba

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