January 25, 2013

Jan. 28 Idle No More rallies, Canada-wide

Ottawa – March and Rally
Contact; Anil Naidoo anil@canadians.org
Place and Time: 11:10am
Victoria Island March –– gather at #CommonCauses banner and march together in solidarity to Parliament Hill for Speeches.
2:15pm Parliament Hill - Maude Barlow delivers a message on behalf of Common Causes.

Nanaimo – Rally
Contact; Paul Manly paulmanly@shaw.ca
Place and Time – 12:00 noon – Diane Krall Plaza (in front of the Library) 90 Commercial Street, Nanaimo

Sechelt/Sunshine Coast – Rally
Contact; Jef Keighley keighley@dccnet.com
Place and Time – 4:00 to 5:30pm - Gather at the corners of Wharf Street and the Sunshine Coast Highway, 4:00 to 5:30pm – Action along Sunshine Coast Highway

Vancouver – Rally w/INM
Contact; Harjap Grewel hgrewal@canadians.org
Place and Time - 12:00 noon at 1138 Melville Street, Vancouver, Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada.

Courtney/Comox – Rally
Contact; Kathie Woodley riverside11@shaw.ca
Place and Time – 12:00 noon at 3310 Comox Road across from the I-Hos Gallery.

Kelowna – Rally at Enbridge Hearings
Contact; Lois B, loandcoagain@hotmail.com
Place and Time: 12:30pm at the Sandman Inn, 2130 Harvey Street, Kelowna

Kamloops – Information Evening w/INM
Contact; Anita Strong, dnastrong1@gmail.com
Place and Time; 6pm at the Smorgasbord Deli, 225 - 7th Ave. Kamloops.

Edmonton –Solidarity Event
Contact: Bill Moore-Kilgannon billmk@pialberta.org
Place and Time; 12:15pm – Churchill Square

Saskatoon - Townhall
Contact; Rick Sawa rj.sawa@inet2000.com
Place and Time - 11:00 am - Multi-purpose room at Station 20 West 1120 20th Street West, Saskatoon

Prince Albert – Video Release
Contact – Rick Sawa rj.sawa@inet2000.com
Place and Time; Video and press release on January 28th of weekend action.

Toronto – Banner Drop
Contact Mark Calzavara mcalzavara@canadians.org
Place and Time – 8-9am - Banner Drop along Don Valley Parkway at Wynford overpass (North of Eglinton)
Banner Message -Don’t Sell Out Canada’s Future commoncauses.ca

Guelph – Screening and Discussion
Contact - nrchaloner@hotmail.com
Place and Time – 7pm - Room 103 – University Centre, University of Guelph – Toxic Trespass screening with Q &A
Possible mid-afternoon march – TBC

London – Rally
Contact – jkennedy@golden.net
Place and Time - 10:30am – 546 King Street (at William), London - in front of Conservative MP Susan Truppe’s constituency office.

Oakville –
Contact - Clare Henderson reclaimcanada@gmail.com
Place and Time - 8:00am Oakville GO Station start
The Reclaim Our Democratic Canada Get off the Omnibus Tour

Windsor – Rally
Contact - Douglas Hayes dhayes18@cogeco.ca
Place and Time – 4pm - 186 Talbot Rd. Essex. Windsor - in front of Conservative MP Jeff Watson's constituency office

Montreal - Film Screening and Solidarity Statements
Contact - Abdul Pirani abdul.pirani@cgocable.ca
Place and Time - 7pm, Concordia H110, Hall Building, 1455 Maisonneuve W. Montreal

Halifax – March and Rally
Contact – Angela Giles – agiles@canadians.org
Place and Time - 10am – Gathering at the Holiday Inn parking, March across the MacDonald Bridge, rally at either Halifax Commons or Citadel Hill

Summerside – Rally – Note the Change
Contact - Leo Broderick - lcb45@eastlink.ca
Place and Time – 12pm Noon - 250 Water Street in front of National Revenue Minister Gail Shea’s MP Office

Saint John - Townhall
Contact – Leticia Adair adairl@nb.sympatico.ca
Place and Time – 7pm - Saint John Arts Centre, 20 Hazen Avenue
Town Hall with Rob Moir, Pat Riley and Stephanie Merrill
For Information;  506 633-0398

Peterborough -
Contact – Roy Brady rbrady1@cogeco.ca
Date: Wednesday, January 30,
Place - George St. United Church
Time - 7:00 - 9:30 pm

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