October 1, 2012

Don't Attack Iran: Join the International day of Action, October 6


Saturday, Sept 6th at 2:30pm
Sir Winston Churchill Square


Saturday, October 6
1:00 p.m. Rally at Halifax Commons Triangle
1:30 p.m. March to Megan Leslie's Community Office on Gottingen St.


Saturday, October 6 at 1pm
Federal Building, 55 Bay Street North, Hamilton


2:00 p.m. Rally at Queen's Park
3:00 p.m. March
3:30 p.m. Public meeting: 'Why Harper cut ties with Iran' - featuring special guest speakers (TBA)


Saturday October 6, at 12 Noon
Meet at Peace Flame Park (also known as Seaforth Peace Park) - south end of Burrard Bridge, between Cornwall & 1st Ave

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