July 14, 2012

We are changing!

We have changed our banner headline colour, for the first time in this blog`s life. We know it looks a bit garish but this is to recognize two things. First, we have had a black banner for a long time now because our magazine was published in black and white. As of this week, however, we are rolling out our first edition in red (which is also a record size at 65 pages). Subscriptions will be mailed shortly. The second reason is that, since we now have red on our cover, it seems politically out of place to keep using black. Red reflects our politics, which are internationalist, pro-struggle and offer a socialist perspective on the youth and student struggle across Canada and internationally. And it is no secret that our editorial line is set by the Young Communist League of Canada! Now, back to the question of style. We will be releasing a new blog design not so long from now, which looks a bit better in red than the old version does. Our new blog design is being prepared by a member of the YCL internet commission. Expect changes soon!

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