May 17, 2012

Update: Quebec student strike, work of the YCL

Quebec student strike enters new stage

Midnight Wednesday, May 15 -- Regarding the Quebec student strike, there have been a series of important developments within the last 24 hours that we will be presenting new analysis and reportage on within the next few days as the picture becomes clearer. Tonight 8,000 students are in the streets and as we write in Montreal and Quebec City, the police are again charging them in full riot gear.

Until then, please check our our latest summary here.
The Charest Liberal government announced, despite a substantial compromise offer put forward by the students yesterday, that the government will legislate a termination of the session for schools on strike, and that police force will be used to break any resistance. This has been widely condemned by the students and most other progressive voices in Quebec.  The English-language media is continuing its campaign of dis-information, failing to report on a number of violent arrests and attacks by the police over the past week.

YCL planning to enter summer of action

The Young Communist League has been busy in the struggle of youth and students this month including as follows:
  • Participation in May Day actions and events across the country
  • In Quebec, continuing participating in mobilizations and actions
  • In Ontario, building for a summer 2012 provincial convention

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