May 15, 2012

Fifth National Campaign against Homophobia Underway in Cuba

Rainbow flags and the Cuban flag

An exhibition of paintings and other plastic arts works promoting the acceptance of and respect for free and responsible sexual orientation and gender identity was inaugurated on Tuesday in Havana during the opening day of the Fifth National Campaign against Homophobia that runs in Cuba through the month of May.

In a press conference at Havana’s National Center of Sexual Education (CENESEX), the director of this institution, Mariela Castro EspĂ­n, explained that, as in previous years, the main purpose of the campaign is to contribute to the education of society, focusing mainly on the family and youths.

Castro Espin noted that on this occasion the event will have a higher scientific level as the program includes lectures, discussions, the screening of documentaries, and several cultural activities.

She added that another objective of the event is to raise public awareness and to promote permanent educational actions and full respect for sexual rights and gender identity.

The main activity to celebrate the International Day against Homophobia, on May 17th, will take place in the central city of Cienfuegos, which will host a gala and festivities for the diversity.

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