April 24, 2012

Solidarity resolution for international and Canadian organizations to send to the Quebec students, with addresses


WHEREAS accessible education is a right, not a privilege;
WHEREAS students in Québec are facing $1625 increase in tuition fees that threatens their access to education and will contribute to the increase of tuition fees across the country;
WHEREAS Québec students have launched a mass mobilization against this increase and the Charest Liberal provincial government, rallying some of the largest protests in Canadian history over the past weeks;
WHEREAS Québec students have democratically voted on and organized an ongoing student strike on their campuses with currently over 170,000 students on strike now entering their 70th day;

WHEREAS Québec students are holding almost daily rallies, occupations, and other actions including a rally of over 250 000 on March 22nd and a rally of almost 300 000 on Earth Day that is evidence of the broad support they are receiving from allies and the public;
WHEREAS all the student associations have denounced and condemned violence against people as a tactic of struggle and called for the government to negotiate;
WHEREAS the Québec government is refusing to negotiate in good faith and instead has attempted to break the student`s unity and resolve through court injunctions, openly mocking their campaign, refusing to seriously negotiate, and allowing police violence against the students including gassing protestors, mass arrests, and even blinding one student in the eye with a sound bomb;
BE IT RESOLVED that [name of organization] expresses its solidarity and support with the Québec students and will send a letter of support expressing this decision to the CLASSE, FECQ and the FEUQ [contact information below] and copy this letter to the local media;
BE IT RESOLVED that [name of organization] send a public letter to the Charest Liberal [contact information below] calling for them to negotiate with the students in good faith and discuss the question of tuition and CC [insert names of local MP, MPP/MLA, Mayor, etc];
BE IT RESOLVED that [name of organization] call a public picket on [date] at [location] distributing the solidarity letter of [name of organization] and other information materials;
BE IT RESOLVED that [name of organization] invite a speaker from the Québec students and organize a conference or public meeting in the Fall semester to inform the membership of [name of organization] and strengthen relations between English-speaking Canadian student movement and the Québec student movement.

Association pour une Solidarité Syndicale Étudiante ( ASSÉ )
ATTN : Jean-Michel Therriault, Secrétaire aux relations externes
2065, rue Parthenais, local 383
Montréal, QC
H2K 3T1
Fédération étudiante collégiale du Québec (FECQ)
ATTN : Léo Bureau-Blouin, Président
2003 St Hubert,
Montréal, QC
H2L 3Z6

Fédération Etudiante Universitaire du Québec (FEUQ)‎
ATTN : Martine Desjardins, Président
15 Marie Anne O,
Montreal, QC
H2W 1B6

The Honourable Jean Charest
Premier of Quebec
Édifice Honoré-Mercier
835, boul. René-Lévesque Est
3e étage
Quebec, QC
G1A 1B4

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