March 6, 2012

Struggle heats up in Portugal

The Central Committee (of the Communist Party of Portugal) cannot fail to stress as a significant aspect of the evolution of the national political situation, the magnitude and historical significance of last 11 February demonstration, at the Terreiro do Paço Square, in Lisbon. A demonstration that is an unequivocal expression of the increasing dissatisfaction with the present course of the country and a clear sign of the significant erosion of the social base of support of the government. A demonstration that represents a new phase in the struggle against the right-wing policy in Portugal.... At a time when the ruinous consequences for the country and its development brought by the application of the Pact of Aggression emerge clearly, the struggle for its rejection constitutes a national imperative, a patriotic objective indispensable to defend the dignity and living conditions of the Portuguese and national sovereignty.

Read the full statement here.

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