November 15, 2011

WFDY Assembly a success!

Celebrating the successful assembly of WFDY

On November 12, last Saturday, the 18th Assembly of WFDY has concluded its procedures successfully. Throughout 4 days, the 82 member organizations present in the Assembly (together with 2 national friendly and 2 international friendly organizations) have intensively discussed all aspects of the life of the Federation and agreed on all documents, reports and resolutions.
Once again, WFDY underlined its anti-imperialist character, reaffirming the struggle of the youth, together with the workers, in each country, as the only way to overthrow the dominant order that is imperialism.
In its resolutions, WFDY showed great determination by showing that is the capitalist system (now in its upper phase, imperialism) that is the responsible for the inequalities, injustices and wars of the world, and that the present crisis is not just a “bad moment” or the result of a “bad administration of the system”, but that is in fact the only possible result of a system based on exploitation. Capitalism was never, is not, and won’t ever be capable of responding to the needs of mankind as whole, as it is based on the inequality when sharing resources and wealth.
Furthermore, WFDY Assembly expressed its full solidarity with the peoples of Palestine, Western Sahara, Cuba, Burma, and all others, whose fight against imperialism is daily and demands from them courage and determination so that imperialism cannot defeat them, despite the clear advantage of means that imperialism has to fight these peoples.
WFDY 18th Assembly elected the new leadership of the Federation, being the most important elements the election of EDON Cyprus (represented by Dimitris Palmyris) and UJC Cuba (represented by Hanoi Sanchez) as new President and Secretary-General, respectively.
On the sidelines of the Assembly, a substantial part of the delegates had also the possiblity to participate in a demonstration of the workers of the public sector of Portugal, that gathered approximately 180,000 workers against the measures of the Portuguese Government and the EU and IMF that are being imposed on the Portuguese people.
The closing ceremony of the Assembly was held at Voz do Operario in a rally organized by the hosting organization (JCP Portugal) that had the presence of hundreds of Portuguese young people and counted with the presence of Jerónimo de Sousa, Secretary-General of the Portuguese Communist Party.
Below you can find the whole list of the new elected organs of WFDY.

Dimitris Palmyris, who will represent EDON
in the position of  President of WFDY

Information on WFDY 18th Assembly
Auditing Commission
Africa – CCM Tanzania
Asia Pacific – NMP Pakistan
Europe and North America – SDAJ Germany
Latin America and Caribbean – UJC Brazil
Middle East – PDYU Palestine
General Council
YF Nepal
AIYF India
SSU Sri Lanka
BYU Bangladesh
JLSY Japan
HCMCYU Vietnam
OJM Mozambique
EYL Ethiopia
NUEYS Eritrea
ANCYL South Africa
UJSARIO Western Sahara
JMPLA Angola
JJCC Chile
FJC Argentina
JUCO Colombia
JCV Venezuela
UJS Brazil
UJC Cuba
JPS Mexico
ULDY Lebanon
GUPS Palestine
UPYE Egypt
Shabeeba Bahrain
YCL Israel
UJCE Spain
KSM Czech Republic
KNE Greece
EDON Cyprus
YTKP Turkey
JCP Portugal

Coordinating Council
EDON Cyprus (President)
UJC Cuba (Secretary General)
ULDY Lebanon (Vice President – in CC/HQ)
OJM Mozambique (Vice President – in CC/HQ)
[one vacant seat for Asia Pacific in CC/HQ]
KISSYL DPRK (Vice President – in the region)
GUPS Palestine (Vice President – in the region)
EYL Ethiopia (Vice President – in the region)
KNE Greece (Vice President – in the region)
UJS Brazil (Vice President – in the region)

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