November 15, 2011

Congratulations to EDON

Members of the Cyprus communist youth
organization EDON, which is the new head of WFDY

Statement by Georgios Loucaides, Press Spokesman of the C.C. of AKEL
15th November 2011, Nicosia

The Central Committee of AKEL expresses its warm congratulations to EDON for its election to the Presidency of the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY) during the Federation's 18th General Assembly which took place in Lisbon Portugal.

Undoubtedly the election of EDON to the Presidency of a historic Federation constitutes a very important development; a Federation which has always been in the front line of young peoples and the peoples of the world struggles for world peace and social progress. WFDY is an Organisation representing over 185 Youth Organisations and millions of young people all over the world.

Furthermore, WFDY was always a long-standing consistent supporter of the Cypriot people's struggle for independence and reunification, against the occupation and partition. The role of EDON in the Presidency will strengthen the struggle towards this end so that the internationalisation of the Cyprus problem and drawing of international solidarity will be maximised.

In the current conditions of a sharpened imperialist aggressiveness and an unprecedented crisis of capitalism, WFDY´s role in the people's struggles is rendered even more important. EDON in the Presidency of WFDY and the new President of the Federation comrade Demetris Palmyris, who we warmly congratulate too, are called upon within the framework of the upgraded role they are undertaking in the international youth movement to give even more forces to successfully tackle the great challenges before them.

Needless to say they will have all the support and assistance of AKEL in their efforts.

We assess that this election is not accidental but the result of the rich consistent activity of EDON on a local, but also international level which today is acknowledged in this honorary way for the Organisation. First and foremost, the honour of course concerns EDON and the Movement of the Left in Cyprus, but it is at the same time also an honour for Cyprus itself.

The C.C. of AKEL expresses the certainty that EDON will manage to meet the aspirations of the progressive youth of the world and in successfully carrying out the difficult and at the sane time very significant role it is undertaking.

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