October 25, 2011

Solidarity with the stuggle of the youth in the USA!

The World Federation of Democratic Youth stands in strong solidarity with all those who struggle every day in the United States namely the growing Occupy Wall Street and the Occupy Movement.
We are thrilled to see that thousands of young people have taken to the streets in hundreds of U.S. cities. We send our sincere comradeship and support as you face police repression and the dropping nighttime temperatures of the fall season.
United States capitalism and its supporters are a substantial part of the origin of current international crisis of the capitalist system. As U.S. corporations force the world’s economies into privatization, WFDY members around the world are experiencing a deterioration of socialized medicine, education, housing, and other human rights. The U.S.-led wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and other U.S. military occupations around the world, also threaten young peoples’ futures. We understand that one of the principal reasons why these wars have occurred is so that the companies which produce warfare materials can reap profit.
The global capitalist crisis was sparked in the U.S. and has been met by militant responses by the youth of Europe, Latin America, Africa and the Middle East. U.S. youth and their allies are now taking their rightful place in demanding that the crisis not be solved on the backs of working class and youth.
WFDY is truly inspired by all those who have come together inside the United States to say, “Enough is Enough!” Your willingness to take this stand is a powerful message of solidarity with youth movements that also struggle against imperialism throughout the world. We want to match your courage with support from WFDY and its allies.
The World Federation of Democratic Youth encourages its members and allies to send messages of solidarity and support to the Occupy Movement and to our comrades in the USA. The coming Assembly of WFDY will surely enhance the forms of solidarity and cooperation to support the struggles that, in all countries throughout the world, the youth and workers are taking forward for social justice and against this inhuman and irrational system called capitalism, now in its upper phase: imperialism.

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