August 31, 2011

Solidarity with Chilean youth and salute to JJCC

All throughout the world it is known by everyone the intense struggles of the Chilean students, youth and people developed now and over the last months against the administration of President PiƱera, particularly against the intention of privatizing education. From WFDY we salute and express our solidarity towards the youth and people of Chile, particularly in this moment in which the government – the most reactionary since Pinochet – is making use of violent forms of repression against the pacific and legitimate actions of struggle, protest and presentation of a viable and fair alternative. We are sure that the mass struggle and the unity of the are essential conditions for the transformation of the country and from our side we will do everything in our power so that, with our international support, we can contribute to the fulfillment of the goals of all the struggles that are taking place, for a Chile, a Latin America and world of peace, solidarity and revolutionary social transformation! Furthermore, we salute especially the very important role played by our member organization (the Communist Youth of Chile – JJCC) in the process and wish all the best for the reinforcement of the struggle and of the organization upon the occasion of its 79th anniversary. Budapest, August 31, 2011 The CC/HQ of WFDY

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