August 2, 2011

New RY released

We are happy to announce that the latest Rebel Youth magazine, issue 12, is hot of the press. Published by the Young Communist League and printed by union labour, this edition has articles covering a variety of topics.

As the editorial says, “This is shaping up to be a summer of important struggles for the youth and student movement.
“On the one hand, there are massive uprisings and protests around the world especially Europe, North Africa and the Middle East, to say nothing of the anti-imperialist direction of Latin America. On the other hand, elections in our country have returned the most right-wing government in Canadian history.
“These are the subjects of two feature articles we present in Rebel Youth issue 12, together with an overview of important political issues discussed at the 17th World Festival of Youth and Students in South Africa, this past December.”

Also in this issue are articles on Ronnie the Bren Gun Girl, movie and CD reviews, the new BC political situation, the environment, the upcoming cross-Canada day of student action, the quotes of “class enemy of the month” Stephen Harper, the struggle of the Posties, Slutwalk, Hockey Fans For Peace, young and old workers together rejecting two-tier contracts, as well as a new section on theory and ideology.

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