June 23, 2011

YCLSA welcomes ANCYL Apology

YCLSA welcomes ANCYL Apology
23 June 2011

The Young Communist League of South Africa [uFasimba] welcomes the apology of comrade Julius Malema to all South African women and the rape accuser of President Zuma, for his sexist and derogative remarks.

As an organisation we had always insisted that, while President Zuma was innocent, our support for him must take into account the feelings of hundreds and hundreds of women who are victims of rape and abuse. We had argued that our democracy can only be said to be matured only if woman are free from any form of exploitation by men.

We applaud comrade Malema for finally realising his wrong judgment no the matter, as Young Communist League we shall continue to fight for the Right of all women in our country. We hope that the apology will bring closure to this matter.

Issued by YCLSA

For more information, please contact Mafika Mndebele (National Spokesperson)
Landline: (011) 339 3621
Cellphone: 073 574 5953
Cellphone: 082 567 3557
Email: mafikadamane.mndebele@gmail.com

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