March 8, 2011

Solidarity Brigade Mission with the Egyptian Youth

As the Egyptian people and youth could achieve a great victory through their mass movement, they succeeded in ousting the former president Moubarak, who was a puppet of imperialism in the region. The brave people continue their fight right now to continue the process of change and have constitutional reforms that guarantee the fulfillment of the aims of the uprising.In this regard, WFDY organizes a solidarity brigade mission to Egypt, in cooperation with our member organization Union of Progressive Youth of Egypt from April 13-19, 2011.

The mission will include meetings and seminars in Cairo, visits to Alexandria and Suez which are 2 cities that played a role in the revolution, and also include a tour in the main places where the big events of the revolution occurred. Also international organizations as the World Peace Council and the Afro-Asian Peoples’ Solidarity Organization will be participating in this important activity.

The arrival should be on April 12 evening or April 13 morning, while the departure shall be on 18 evening or 19 morning.

This mission comes as a part of WFDY campaign in solidarity with the uprising of the Arab Youth which will be organized throughout this year.

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