February 22, 2011

Resolution of Solidarity with the Western Saharawi People

The following resolution was adopted by the Vancouver & District Labour Council at it's February meeting. It was drafted and recommended by the Young Workers Committee, many members of which attended the 17th World Festival of Youth & Students, where the Western Saharawi struggle was highlighted.

Because the Western Sahara has been Occupied by Morocco since 1974 and before that, was occupied by Spain


Because the Western Saharawi want independence from Morocco in order to become a self governing body


Because the VDLC is a leader in matters of international solidarity


Because the Western Saharawi are being brutally beaten and tortured and imprisoned by the Moroccan government,

The VDLC will support the campaign to liberate the Western Saharawi political prisoners in Moroccan prisons and will support the fight of the Western Saharawi for independence.

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