January 19, 2011


From Avaaz.org

Belo Monte would be a project bigger than the Panama Canal, flooding at least 400,000 acres of rainforest, displacing 40,000 indigenous and local people, and destroying the priceless habitats of countless unique species -- all to create power that could easily be generated through investments in energy efficiency.

Pressure on President Dilma against the dam is rising, the President of Brazil's Environmental Agency just resigned, refusing to issue Belo Monte a construction license and challenging strong political pressure to go forward with this disastrous project. Environmental specialists, indigenous leaders and civil society agree that Belo Monte will be a massive environmental scar in the heart of the Amazon.

Construction could start next month - let's raise the pressure on President Dilma to stop this dam! Sign the petition now, before the bulldozers move in -- it will be delivered to Brasilia!

1 comment:

  1. I have just signed a petition on Avaaz.. I would like to help and will highlight the plight of the displacement of 40,000 indigenious and local people due to this Dam on both my Blogger and Wordpress site. My wordpress site is suedreamwalker.wordpress.com I will send the petition around also.. Dreamwalker
