November 3, 2010

Solidarity with the comrades of the Communist Youth of Ecuador

On Monday, October 25 at the University of Guayaquil (Ecuador), Comrade Secretary General of the Ecuadorian Communist Youth Edwin Perez Chévez was brutally assaulted by mercenaries of the most reactionary sector of society in this country.

As a result of the attack, after several days in coma, the comrade has died.

We denounce the aggression against this comrade; this was no accident. It was part of a planned campaign of persecution orchestrated by those who last September 30 tried to destroy the popular process overthrowing the president-elect Rafael Correa.

This campaign is targeting the brave revolutionaries who are working to make possible a new future for the people of Ecuador.

This is the latest aggression of the imperialist strategy in Latin America to strangle the forces advancing an alternative to U.S. hegemony – a campaign which has included the coup in Honduras, the decades-long atrocities committed by the military and paramilitaries in Colombia, the bombings, sabotage and economic blockade against Cuba, and the subversive campaign against the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela including the coup attempt, and the expansion of U.S. military bases and political tensions along the Colombia/Venezuelan border frontier.

For all this we declare that the only way to achieve freedom and sovereignty of the people is to fight against imperialism’s attempt to impose its interests around the world, either through direct military intervention or through the use of locally-based mercenaries.

The Communist Youth Collective (of Spain) expresses its full solidarity with all the comrades of the Communist Youth Ecuadorian and especially with the family of Comrade Edwin.

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