June 26, 2010

Youth Feeder March for G8-G20

March with the YCL on Saturday June 26th!
To “Keep Education Public” and put “People First”!

Dear comrades, friends and allies,

Various YCL clubs from across southern Ontario will be marching together along with friends and allies this Saturday at both the “Keep Education Public” student feeder march and then the mass “People First: We Deserve Better!” march against the G20.

“From the Classroom to the Streets: Keep Education Public”.

We will be meeting at 11:45am on Saturday, June 26th at the southwest corner of Bloor and Spadina. Look for the YCL banners and flags. At 11:45 we will be deciding who will be the lead banner, how to stick together, deciding on a safe rallying point and exchanging numbers. We will be distributing the YCL G20 flyers and marching as a united YCL contingent. See attached statement or visit: http://www.ycl-ljc.ca/index.php/en/component/content/article/8-events/70-raise-the-red-flag-of-resistance.html

The YCL-Ontario wholeheartedly endorses the student feeder action. According to march organizers the student feeder march is to highlight: “chronic underfunding contributing to skyrocketing tuition fees, ballooning student debt, unequal access to education, increasingly privatized campuses and other threats to public education could all be avoided if post-secondary education were prioritized over corporate tax cuts and military spending”.

“People First: We Deserve Better!”

The student march will then meet up with the “People First March” at Queen’s Park at 1pm where we will be meeting up with our comrades from the Communist Party of Canada and our sisters and brothers from labour and social movements resisting the G20’s corporate agenda and fighting for peace, for protection of our environment, for jobs and living standards, for healthcare, education, pensions and social programs, and not least, for equality and democratic rights.

There will be a rally and a march south down University to Queen and then North on Spadina returning to Queen’s park where there will be more speakers. This is a family friendly event and the power of the march is related to its mass character and unity. The YCL will be following the organizers of the march if there is a split which will result in confusion. Police and the Harper government have been trying to intimidate people into staying home and they are trying to justify their $1 billion security budget. This is why we should be making every effort to reassure people that there is power in numbers and unity.

Afterward the YCL will be finding an affordable restaurant with veggie options close by to debrief, discuss how to take the struggle to the next level, and chillax.

What to bring:
-banners, noisemakers, water bottles, loud voices and ear plugs (although hopefully labour successfully wins there injunction on the use of the “sound cannons”)

SEE YOU AT 11:45 at Spadina and Bloor on Saturday to Raise the Red Flag of Resistance!

Ontario Provincial Executive Committee Young Communist League

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