June 26, 2010


9 June 2010

The Young Communist League of South Africa (uFasimba) notes the perpetual brutality used by the dictatorship of Swaziland to oppress Political activism. The atrocious bombing of former President of SWAYOCO, Cde. Alex Langwenya’s house is affirmation of King Mswati’s chronic obsession to cling to power.

The situation is evidently a quagmire for the equally brutal Police service as they have ended up arresting the victim, Cde Alex, without making any attempts to catch the culprits. This bears evidence that this bombing was not a mere coincidence but a well orchestrated attempt to murder a comrade who has committed his life to the people of Swaziland and the attainment of Democracy. We affirm our commitment to the people of Swaziland in their struggle to liberate themselves from greed, political oppression and socio-economic injustices.

We condemn the unlawful detainment of Cde. Alex and his family who are still in custody despite not being charged. King Mswati III continues to prove his intolerance towards Political activists as deaths and attacks of comrades continue, unaccounted for by his Dictatorial regime.

The YCLSA stands unabated in its Revolutionary support to the People of Swaziland and the Family of Cde. Alex Langwenya in these times of political turbulence and intolerance. As South Africans defied the Apartheid Regime, Democracy will prevail in Swaziland .

Issued by the YCLSA Head Office

For more information


Gugu Ndima

National Spokesperson

076 783 1516

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