June 20, 2010

Communist Party Denounces Israeli "Piracy and Murder"

Issued on June 1, 2010, by the Central Executive Committee, Communist Party of Canada

The Communist Party of Canada denounces the acts of piracy and murder committed by the Israeli government on May 31 against the Gaza Freedom Flotilla in international waters. This brazen military attack against unarmed civilians on the high seas - peace activists bringing humanitarian aid to the imprisoned people of Gaza - has rightly met with a storm of international condemnation.

The courageous Freedom Flotilla activists were carrying baby food, clothing, medicines, building materials and other supplies desperately needed by the people of Gaza, who suffer under a vicious blockade intended to starve the Palestinians into submission. On board the Flotilla were members of Parliament, Nobel peace prize winners, and peace activists from all walks of life. Among them is Victoria resident Kevin Neish, well known to British Columbians as a long-time participant in many campaigns for peace, human rights and international solidarity.

The overwhelming reaction by Canadians is to call the Israeli attack on the Freedom Flotilla an act of war. Yet the Harper federal government, which was hosting Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu when this attack took place, has responded by calling for "investigations" to allow the state of Israel to buy time to evade international criticism. The position of the Harper government is utterly unacceptable. We join with others in demanding that Canada condemn this war crime, press for the immediate release of Canadian citizen Kevin Neish [NOTE: later information revealed that two other Canadians were also kidnapped.] and all imprisoned members of the Flotilla, and support the demand or an impartial international inquiry into this wanton action.

Canada must end its role as an apologist for the criminal actions of the Israeli state and come out squarely in favour of support for a genuine political solution to the ongoing crisis, beginning with the demand for the immediate and unconditional lifting of the Israeli siege of Gaza. Such a new policy must be based on the implementation of all relevant U.N. resolutions, including Israel's complete withdrawal from all lands it has illegally occupied since the 1967 war; the dismantling of the Apartheid wall and removal of all Israeli settlements; the formation of a viable and genuinely independent Palestinian State with East Jerusalem as its capital; the guaranteed right of Palestinians to return to their homelands; the certifiable de-nuclearization of Israel, and mutual security guarantees for all states in the region. Until such basic justice is achieved for the Palestinian people, the Communist Party will continue to support the international campaign of boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel.

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