May 28, 2010

Protests to meet Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu's visit to Toronto and Ottawa

Rebel Youth Magazine urges you to please consider joining these protests:

On May 30th and May 31st, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is scheduled to visit Canada for meetings with officials in Ottawa and Toronto, and to kick off the May 30 "Walk with Israel" in Toronto. This will be the first visit of a sitting Israeli Prime Minister to Canada since Yitzhak Rabin's visit in 1994. According to JTA news agency, "Since [Canadian PM Stephen] Harper's election, Israel and Canada have strengthened their political, military and economic ties, and Harper has a record of strong pro-Israel statements." Netanyahu's acceptance of Harper's invitation is widely seen as a sign of gratitude for the Canadian Prime Minister's staunch defence of Israeli policies.
Netanyahu stands accused of having authorized serious human rights violations, including extra-judicial executions, torture of Palestinian political prisoners, and collective punishment in the form of hundreds of housing demolitions during his first tenure as Prime Minister (June 1996-July 1999). Both then and during his current term as PM, he has supported the intensification of Israeli colonies (settlements) in the Occupied Palestinian Territories -- which violates the Fourth Geneva Convention -- and elements of the military occupation of East Jerusalem and the West Bank which violate international law.
CJPME considers that Netanyahu's visit to Canada inappropriately suggests support, and gives legitimacy to the right-wing policies of the Netanyahu government.

Note that the following activities are not organized by Rebel Youth, but by local solidarity groups active in Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal. Please contact those groups directly (as per the information provided below) if additional information is required. Please join in solidarity to oppose the Israeli occupation of Palestine and take a stand for justice, peace and human rights.

The rally will take place on Sunday, May 30.
Assemble at 9:00 a.m. | Rally begins at 9:30 a.m.
At the Canadian National Exhibition, northeast corner of Strachan Avenue and Princes Boulevard (click here to see a map), opposite Princes' Gate, on the east side of Strachan Avenue.
To get there by TTC: Take the subway to Union Station; then take the 509 Harbourfront streetcar going into the CNE; get off just before Princes' Gate. Please note: the TTC begins running at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday.
Parking for cars and buses is available nearby.

Buses are available for Mississauga participants from Palestine House. Buses depart at 8:30 a.m. (3195 Erindale Station Rd., (north of Dundas), Mississauga)

Recommended slogans for the banners are "War criminals not welcome here" and "Free Palestine".

The rally will take place on Monday, May 31.
Assemble at 4:30 p.m. | Rally begins at 5 p.m.
At the Human Rights Monument, corner of Elgin and Lisgar Streets.
Publicity materials can be downloaded via the following links:
MONTREAL (Bus to Ottawa):

For those interested, a bus will be leaving from Montreal to Ottawa at 1 p.m., on Monday afternoon, May 31 and will be back to Montreal around 10:30 p.m. (A contribution of $10 is advisable, though not mandatory.)
Departure from Montreal: 1 p.m.
Concordia University (Hall Building, 1455 Maisonneuve West - metro Guy-Concordia). Please reserve your seats (as they are limited): or 514-659-0106.


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