March 18, 2010

Support NGO Kairos

Please take 30 seconds to address 3 big issues

Dear Friends,

In the past several months, there have been several government attempts to limit Canadians' ability to address human rights issues in Palestine. The government cut funding to the NGO KAIROS because of its support for Palestinian rights. The government replaced the leadership at Rights and Democracy because it supported Israeli and Palestinian NGOs researching rights abuses in Gaza. Finally, last week, a conservative MP sought to muzzle Israeli Apartheid Week's attempts to call attention to Israeli rights abuses against Palestinians. Please help us address each of these three issues:

Protest the defunding of KAIROS by clicking here.
Protest the government's attack on Rights and Democracy by clicking here.
Protest Conservative MP Tim Uppal's motion to effectively shut down Israeli Apartheid Week activitiesby clicking here.
Please forward this email to other like-minded friends and acquaintances. If you like the work that CJPME does, please donate to help us expand our work.

Warmest regards,

The CJPME Leadership

Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East

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