March 12, 2010

New wave of aggressions against the Saharawi people!

Over the last two days the Moroccan authorities have entered the villages of Dahkla, Bojador and El Aaiun, and beat up a countless number of civilians living in these sites. This aggression must be framed in the context of the disappearing of more than 500 Saharawi people, most of them activists, since the year of 2005, by the occasion of the “Peaceful Intifada for Independence” - movement for a fair and immediate referendum for the independence of Sahara.WFDY will never forget or let anyone forget the crimes done against the Saharawi people, since the 31st October, 1975, when the massacre of that people started. The Moroccan forces never hesitated to make use of the most painful and torturing methods of bombing and torture.

WFDY calls upon all its member and friendly organizations to denounce the crimes committed against the Saharawi people keeping and reinforcing the struggle for a free and independent Republic of Sahara.

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