March 29, 2010

Montreal panel on education

You are invited to a Public Panel & Discussion about the Future of Accessible and Quality Higher Education:

What is the future of higher education? Will tuition increase? Should it? Will our universities follow the 'American model'? Should they?

Come learn more or voice your opinion at the Public Panel & Debate:

"The Future of Accessible Education: Who Should Pay for it?"

With panelists:

- Dr. Judith Woodsworth, President, Concordia University
- Dr. Daniel Dagenais, Faculty, Concordia University
- Eric Martin, Researcher, IRIS (Socio-economic Research Institute)

Tuesday March 30th, 2010
6:30pm - 8:30pm (2 hours after the announcement of the provincial budget)
Concordia University's Hall Building, Room H-110
1455 deMaisonneuve W.

The event is open to all and absolutely free.

Organized by Concordia Graduate Students' Association and Free Education
Montreal (formerly Montreal Students Against Tuition Increase), co-sponsored by CKUT and CJLO radio

For more information please email /

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