March 18, 2010

Celebrating 20 Years: the Rosenberg Fund for Children

Helping the Children of Resistance: 1990-2010

These children, whose father is an anti-war and global human rights activist, have received RFC funding for a range of services over the years.

In 2009 this young activist served
a two-month prison sentence
for demonstrating at the
Western Hemisphere Institute for Security
Cooperation, formerly the School of the Americas.

The mother of the boy seen here participating in a drumming workshop at an RFC Gathering, writes about her son’s experience, “[It] was very important for him. [It] made him more proud about what his father believes, and he met new friends…I saw him in tears [as he looked at photos from the event].”

Read their full stories, along with messages from other Beneficiaries,
Activist Parents, and RFC Supporters...

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