February 21, 2010

On the unfair sanctions against Eritrea

The World Federation of Democratic Youth in its quest to fight imperialism, and on behalf of member and friendly organizations hereby joins the youth and people of Eritrea in denouncing the unjust sanctions unilaterally imposed by the United States of America and the European Union through the United Nations Security Council.

The imperialists masquerade as the god-fathers of democracy and the rule of law are on the forefront of drafting some draconian laws to further impoverish the peace loving people of Eritrea. It’s mindboggling to note that the some militarily powerful nations are on the driving seat of the United Nations Security Council.
Peace may never prevail in the Horn of Africa if the imperialists continue to meddle under unjust disguise.
The United States of America and the European Union must put off their hands in the Eritrea- Ethiopia border dispute and we fully encourage the African Union to swiftly move and ensure the full implementation of the agreed resolutions on this border dispute.

On this day, 22 February 2010, we stand side by side with the youth and people of Eritrea to denounce in its strongest terms these unholy, unjust, inhuman sanctions imposed by imperialists to further their colonial dominance over the “militarily weak nations”. In this frame we also denounce malicious, uncouth and cheap media propaganda used to justify this barbaric act with hardly any shame thus further seeking the re-colonization of Africa using unjust elements.

Furthermore, we appeal to other peace loving progressive youth from around the globe to join the international campaign to vilify these sanctions against Eritrea and demand the urgent and unconditional lifting of these sanctions by the United Nations Security Council. In fact we expect the United Nations to prioritize assisting the youth of Eritrea in education, health and shelter and many other needs whose list is endless, instead of slapping them with sanctions.

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