January 19, 2010

WFDY on Haiti

On behalf of member, friendly and all youth organizations from the globe the World Federation of Democratic Youth expresses our deepest sympathy, sorrow and solidarity with our suffering Haitian brothers and sisters who have hardly hit by the devastating impact on their lives caused by the earthquake of January 12, 2010.

The reports coming out of Haiti reveal a catastrophe of an unimaginable scale. We send our hope for those who have survived. We hope that the Region and the International community will quickly coordinate efforts to assist with the rescue and saving of the lives of those persons who are still trapped in these difficult times.

We call on all the youth and student organizations all over the world to lend their support in solidarity with the people of Haiti in mobilizing international response and aid. In this regard we urge governments in the neighborhoods to swiftly move into Haiti to rescue the situation. This is the moment where people of Haiti really need urgent assistance. The Federation stand ready to lend its support to the noble people of Haiti, we mourn with our Haitian brothers and sisters as this is our tragedy also.

May the future of Haiti, its people and youth, be urgently brought to a normal state and fast recovery from all catastrophes that both nature and imperialism has brought to the innocent souls of this

14 January 2010
Budapest, Hungary

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