January 14, 2010

Mobalize: January 23 Anti-Harper Protests!

Mobilize for January 23rd!

Popular revulsion and opposition to PM Harper's arrogant move to prorogue Parliament is continuing to build in virtually all parts of the country. Already mass protests are planned for Saturday, January 23rd in a 42 cities and towns, and the list is growing daily.

For a listing of local actions in your area, location, time, etc. go to this facebook group.

These protest actions are very important in exposing and combating the growing anti-democratic orientation of Harper and co, and in weakening the political standing of the ruling Conservatives, thus improving conditions for their defeat at the next federal election, if not before. The Communist Party of Canada and the YCL-LJC have already issued press releases to this effect which have been sent out widely.

For this reason, we are urging all party organizations and members to help mobilize for these protests and to bring out as many people as possible – friends, co-workers, etc. – on January 23rd.

It is clear that the Liberal and NDP parties will try to monopolize these protests to serve their narrow partisan interests. Wherever possible we should try to struggle against such manoeuvres and project a broad, democratic orientation. We also feel that it will be important to have a visible presence for our Party wherever we can, including banners, placards and by circulating copies of the party press, etc.

The CPC is finalizing a special leaflet for use on January 23rd as well, and hope to send it out shortly. Reproduce copies of this leaflet and organize wide distributions at local protests!

With little over one week to go before January 23rd, efforts to build for these events should start immediately, if they are not already under way.

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