November 23, 2009

Aminatou Haidar: Saharawi entering ninth day of hunger strike in Canary Islands

James Tweedie [Journalist of the Canary Islands]

Cell: +34 685 570 578
Land-line: +34 922 646 193

Aminatou Haidar: Saharawi entering ninth day of hunger strike in Canary Islands

Aminatou Haidar

(Above and below): Saharawi Aminatou Haidar, who is on hunger strike in Lanzarote, Canary Islands

Mari Carmen from the Asociacion Canaria De Solidaridad Con El Pueblo Saharaui in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria says that Aminatou has been on hunger strike since Sunday November 15, but is drinking water.

She said that Aminatou is 42 years old and has health problems stemming from her four-year 'disappearance' and torture by the Moroccan authorities.

Mari Carmen confirmed that Aminatou's passport was confiscated by the Moroccan authorities and that the Spanish authorities were holding her at Lanzarote airport.

This afternoon there was be a protest rally in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. There will be another protest rally outside the Moroccan consulate in Las Palmas on Thursday November 26.

The telephone of the solidarity campaign is: +34 928 240 884. (expect to be answered in Spanish).

James Tweedie [Journalist of the Canary Islands]
Cell: +34 685 570 578
Land-line: +34 922 646 193

Aminatou Haidar

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