October 30, 2009

November 5th Day of Action to Target Poverty

The month of October was a busy one. One day alone had:

  • the NDP choosing the next leader, and Premier of Manitoba.
  • The irony being that it was the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty.
  • CFS-MB activists protesting at the NDP convention.
  • The second annual Four Directions walk ( <= PDF link ) happening simultaneously with the CFS protest, culminating with a rally at the legislature later that day. (see the justice charter PDF here)
It was a busy October 17th.

BUT ON NOVEMBER 5th, the DAY OF ACTION, the issues of poverty and the need for education to eliminate it will be made known even further.

video from one campus.

Wow, epic.
But isn't poverty of epic proportion?

another video from another campus.

Event Details (from target poverty website)

Venue: Manitoba Legislature; Brandon University
City: Winnipeg and Brandon
Starting: Thursday, November 05, 2009 (12:00 pm)
Ending: Thursday, November 05, 2009 (2:00 pm)
Cost: Just bring your noisemaker and dress for the weather!

The Target Poverty campaign culminates in a November 5 day of action.

Contact us if you want to organise an event for November 5 in your community or at your school.

And don't forget to sign up here for regular campaign updates:


Contact: Jonny Sopotiuk
targetpoverty (AT) targetpoverty.ca
(204) 783-0787

1 comment:

  1. The funny part is the NDP chose a guy who refused to sign a target poverty postcard over a guy who did sign one.

    I like to think that there are a lot of good people in the NDP, but they've gotten so used to rolling over and abandoning their principles on request that they've developed a Pavlovian psychological compulsion to roll over and abandon their principles at the slightest opportunity. And the rest of 'em are a bunch of opportunist hacks.
