August 13, 2009

CD Review: The People or the Gun

The People or the Gun
SideOneDummy Records

Anti-Flag’s new album, The People or the Gun, is an album that will either satisfy or piss off both old school fans and those who prefer the toned down sound of more recent albums, especially their last release The Bright Lights of America.

Granted, there is nothing here that will fool you into thinking you put on Die for Your Government or Their System Doesn’t Work for You, but the album does start out loud and energetic with “Sodom, Gomorrah, Washington D.C.” Other highlights include “You Are Fired,” “”No War Without Warriors,” and “When All the Lights Go Out.”

Whatever you think of their sound, old or new, Anti-Flag is still serving up album after album of songs that are anti-everything that’s fucked up in this world (like capitalism, imperialism, racism, sexism, homophobia, and war) and for a better world.

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